COSTI Immigrant Services

COSTI Immigrant Services jobs

COSTI Immigrant Services is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting immigrants in settling, adjusting, and integrating into Canadian society. Founded in Toronto, Ontario, COSTI provides a wide range of services aimed at all categories of immigrants and refugees, regardless of their origin, background, or immigration status. Their offerings include language and skills training, employment services, educational and social programs, and counseling and support services to help newcomers overcome barriers to successful integration. With a strong commitment to inclusivity and diversity, COSTI operates on the principles of respect, empowerment, and accessibility. Serving thousands annually, COSTI plays a pivotal role in building a strong, multicultural community by fostering opportunities for immigrants and refugees to participate fully in Canadian life.

Contact us 1705 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON, ON M6E 3P2
Industry Non-profit organisation - NPO network